Kiwi DJs

Song List

Kiwi DJs Song List - Online Song Selector

Create a playlist so we have it before you even turn up to your event!

When you book with Kiwi DJs you have the advantage to create your very own playlist!

We have built the biggest & latest online song selector tool giving you the option to create your own song list

Whether it’s the Latest Top 40, House, RnB, Disco, Rock n’ Roll, Grunge from the 90′s or any song available online , Kiwi DJs Songlist Playlister has an extensive song library with thousands of songs updated daily for you to choose from.


  1. Do I need to create a playlist using your Online Song Selector ? No it’s totally optional, you can leave it up to the professionals – we read the crowd and take requests.
  2. How many songs should I choose if I decide to use the Online Song Selector ? You can choose as many as you like. If you choose too many, we will make sure the best ones get played.
  3. Can we bring some of our own music for the DJ to play on the night. ? Yes sure you can bring a phone or USB stick with songs on them is fine.

Online Song Selector